active fics

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All Camyla wants to do is run, all Rhaenys wants is for someone to stay.When Corlys leaves Rhaenys on her own for years, to grieve the loss of their children all by herself, an old friend of her husband requests her help dealing with his misbehaved daughter Camyla. Rhaenys agrees to take her under her wing, but the young woman is hell-bent on driving her mad.

“Hot chocolate—she craved it. The warmth beneath her palms, the sweetness melting on her tongue, fingertips dancing in circles over porcelain. Her eyes were closed as she summoned the memory and trained her senses on what it was like to have it.”

Unbearable loneliness has been plaguing Larissa for years. One drunken night, she decides to put an end to it by contacting a local dominatrix.

When Adrienne comes to get Amy out of Greenhaven, she lays eyes on a troubled young woman in need of guidance. Perhaps Adrienne will take in another rescue kitten...Essentially this is my The Bell Jar


active fics

(click on the pictures)

All Camyla wants to do is run, all Rhaenys wants is for someone to stay.When Corlys leaves Rhaenys on her own for years, to grieve the loss of their children all by herself, an old friend of her husband requests her help dealing with his misbehaved daughter Camyla. Rhaenys agrees to take her under her wing, but the young woman is hell-bent on driving her mad.

“Hot chocolate—she craved it. The warmth beneath her palms, the sweetness melting on her tongue, fingertips dancing in circles over porcelain. Her eyes were closed as she summoned the memory and trained her senses on what it was like to have it.”

Unbearable loneliness has been plaguing Larissa for years. One drunken night, she decides to put an end to it by contacting a local dominatrix.

When Adrienne comes to get Amy out of Greenhaven, she lays eyes on a troubled young woman in need of guidance. Perhaps Adrienne will take in another rescue kitten...Essentially this is my The Bell Jar


(click on the pictures)

When Adrienne comes to get Amy out of Greenhaven, she lays eyes on a troubled young woman in need of guidance. Perhaps Adrienne will take in another rescue kitten...Essentially this is my The Bell Jar

Farah Dowling

(click on the pictures/titles)

Black Dahlia

“nothing happened in the way I wanted, every corner of this house is haunted.”Miss Dowling discovers Dahlia’s self harm.

One Shots

Farah’s partner can’t come to terms with her death, and so, every night, she dances with her ghost.

sugar mommy!Farah x Reader(coming soon)

🌬️ Grow Wings

While Farah is away on a field trip, Aster hits rock bottom. But after what happened last time, she doesn’t want to tell Farah—even when she finally returns. Good luck tricking a mind fairy…

Common Burn 🧁

Upcoming Cottage Core AU


(click on the pictures)

It’s Larissa’s 18th birthday, but she doesn’t get what she wants.[Roommates Prequel]

When the Addams Family attends Larissa Weems' funeral, Morticia is confronted with the truth about the relationship she used to have with the woman.[sequel in the works]

On the night of their graduation, Morticia is forced to see that she can't have it all - Or can she?[currently on hold]

“My name is Gwyneth of Rivia.” She gestured towards the cadaver. “And this is the beast I’ve slaughtered for you.”[one-shot of Gwendoline Christie as a Witcher]

Madam spellman

(click on the pictures)

"Even in this river full of people, Zelda was certain she could spot the one passenger she was yearning to see again with the naked eye." [Madam Spellman Titanic AU]

Every year for the past decades, Lady Morningstar and Lady Blackwood have been meeting aboard an Ocean Liner. This year, it is the RMS Titanic, travelling from Southampton to New York.[Madam Spellman Titanic AU]

“There’s no use in talking to people who have a home. They have no idea what it’s like to seek safety in other people. For home to be wherever you lie your head.”

"One would assume that after all the times she’d killed and buried her sister, she’d have it down and she did, but the transportation aspect of it frequently proved to be rather arduous."[a bit of season 1 Madam Spellman nostalgia featuring Zelda's shovel and a victim]

To know the Value of Everything and the Price of Nothing

Zelda Spellman has been begging Hecate to bring Sabrina back for months, but maybe she’s been praying to the wrong goddess all along?

Sabrina has just come back from the dead, together with her boyfriend Nick, and now she wants to get married! But as it turns out, Aunt Zelda isn't the only one standing in the way...

About one year after the arrival of their grandson Magnus, Zelda and Lilith now have a child of their own on the way. A baby, created from a witch and a demon. Born to claim the throne of Hell as well as represent the Order of Hecate. What will their path look like?

When Zelda and Lilith's daughter is 5 years old, something scary happens...

A heat wave has hit Greendale - but that is nothing against what's going on in the Spellman bedroom.

The final instalment of the “To know the Value of Everything and the Price of Nothing”-series.(coming soon)

At Witching Hour

Lying, deceiving, loving and leaving.Zelda and Mary met at the wrong time and apparently in the wrong lives. Still, they can't seem to keep apart and find themselves in the messiest relationship of all realms. Can they make it work despite their cosmic problems and personal issues?-An attempt to make Madam Spellman canon from P1 to P4-Note: This story was my very first real fanfiction and it certainly isn’t a masterpiece but if you’re looking for madam spellman nostalgia and miss caos, this might be for you. I’m trying to edit it every now and then and fix some stuff.

When Lilith came home one night, she hadn't expected her whole life to change. Now she's living in the constant ache of not knowing the answer to one question: What really happened that day?Although it's a sequel I think it could be read on its own. Since Whispers is so terrible in retrospective, I don't want people to have to go through with reading it lol[currently on hold]

miranda Croft

(click on the pictures)

You’re Miranda’s former assassin-colleague and after five years, you’ve decided to pay her a visit on her olive farm.

Upcoming fics

Ever since her niece Sabrina died, Zelda has been blaming everyone including herself. But now she believes she knows exactly who is at fault: her teacher Mary Wardwell.

Wolves, storms and money turn into the least of Zelda Spellman's problems when her sister invites Mary Wardwell-Masters to stay at the family's ranch.[Madam Spellman Cowgirl AU]


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All Camyla wants to do is run, all Rhaenys wants is for someone to stay.


(click on the pictures)

"Even in this river full of people, Zelda was certain she could spot the one passenger she was yearning to see again with the naked eye." [Madam Spellman Titanic AU]

Every year for the past decades, Lady Morningstar and Lady Blackwood have been meeting aboard an Ocean Liner. This year, it is the RMS Titanic, travelling from Southampton to New York.[Madam Spellman Titanic AU]

When the Addams Family attends Larissa Weems' funeral, Morticia is confronted with the truth about the relationship she used to have with the woman.[sequel in the works]

“Hot chocolate—she craved it. The warmth beneath her palms, the sweetness melting on her tongue, fingertips dancing in circles over porcelain. Her eyes were closed as she summoned the memory and trained her senses on what it was like to have it.”

Unbearable loneliness has been plaguing Larissa for years. One drunken night, she decides to put an end to it by contacting a local dominatrix.

When Adrienne comes to get Amy out of Greenhaven, she lays eyes on a troubled young woman in need of guidance. Perhaps Adrienne will take in another rescue kitten...Essentially this is my The Bell Jar